The way you tell your story can make all the difference.

Soulcollage ® is an easy & fun intuitive Self-discovery collage process created by Seena Frost,
who was a very experienced Psychotherapist in the USA.

It involves creating your very own unique deck of oracle cards, to access & explore the many aspects of self, including your light & shadow, as well as your many inner gifts & hidden talents.

Through this creative modality you’re guided to tap into your inner wisdom & intuition, gaining deep insights, awarenesses & guidance from within your own soul.

An Intuitive SoulCollage® playshop is a very relaxing, enjoyable and insightful day where you’ll learn all that’s involved in making the cards as well as the tips & tools to dive into the hidden meanings of each of your cards, with many journal prompts & card readings.

No artistic skills or art experience are necessary at all to attend.

Through this creative modality you’re guided to tap into your inner wisdom & intuition, gaining deep insights, awarenesses & guidance from within your own soul.

It’s a simple yet deeply profound creative process…each card, a beautiful unique artistic creation & expression,

made intuitively, by you, for you!

Previous participants have all loved these workshops, sharing that it really helped them to ‘get out of their monkeymind’

& enjoy the present moment & trust their intuition. They enjoyed the creative playful nature of the process, & that it revealed so much about themselves that they went away very inspired, nurtured and relaxed with a newfound sense of peace & calm within themselves.

Following this one-day Intro workshop, regular monthly shorter SoulCollage® playgroups will be available for you to attend, if you fall in love with this beautiful process, like we have. (it's a very fun addictive pastime for many SoulCollagers across the world).