This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

The 5,5,5 routine

Have you ever wondered how the most successful people do it - day in, day out? The truth is they have to work at it, just like you and me. The main difference I see is that they make consistent choices and create routines that create a strength of character to achieve and live a life that is by design and not by default.

Many motivational gurus will give you routines and rituals to assist you in improving your life. Being organised is of course the one piece of advice that most will give you and a truly sound piece of advice at that.

The book “Make your bed” by William H. McRaven is a self-help book that encourages you to begin your day by making your bed. As McRaven said in his speech to grads in 2017: “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and another.

Making my bed was a task instilled in me from a very young age. My Mum was a stickler for ensuring the house and our rooms were tidy at all times, as who never knew who was just going to call in, right? I truly believe this lesson, taught to me as a child, was one of the most valuable in establishing my ability to be resilient, organised and achieve in life. Thanks Mum.

If I was to be honest with you, being organised or having a consistent routine every day hasn’t always been my strongest point. I am easily distracted by life and love being a night owl. This makes my mornings a little tricky, especially when that alarm sounds at ridiculous o’clock! I have been known on many occaison to smash that snooze button way more than once.

That’s when I discovered Mel Robbins and her 5 second rule. “The 5 second rule” book by Mel Robbins is the secret to changing anything about your life. You can use the Rule and its countdown method to break any bad habit, interrupt self-doubt and negative self-talk, and push yourself to take the actions that will change your life. I’ll let you investigate this book. It’s a fabulous concept and if built into your daily habits will undoubtedly improve your world.

So this is my take on all that I have learned regarding establishing a routine.

  1. Find one that works for you and your relationships

  2. Find one that is easy to establish and that does not feel like a chore.

My 5,5,5 routine is this and it may well assist you to create a strong sense of organisation each day.

The routine is this…..

  1. When you wake - do not reach for your phone. Just lie in your bed for 5 minutes, taking time to wake up. During that time think of all the things you are grateful for. This could be as simple as waking up, your family, your bed, your roof over your head. There are so many things to be grateful for. Having gratitude in life will truly change your world :-)

  2. Then for the next 5 minutes get up and make your bed. Then begin a simple movement regime for 5 minutes. Even if you put your favourite song on and dance around the house. Movement is so good for us. It stimulates blood flow and makes you feel good all over.

  3. The next 5 minutes are spent with your pen and paper and your morning cuppa. Sit in your favourite place and make a list of all the things that you would like to achieve for the day and all the things that are bouncing around in your head. What needs to be done and what is on the wish list? Write it all down and then ensure that you begin at the start and complete one task at a time; just like making your bed.

Doing this routine will assist you to find happiness, routine and organisation within your daily life.

Give it a try. Make your own amendments and just notice what you notice, and feel what you feel.

Have an awesome day

Sue x


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