Ann Hocking
Hello, my name is Ann. I would like to share a bit about myself with you. For me, home is on a hill surrounded by 18 acres of bush land near St Andrews in the outer northeast of Melbourne. I started my own intuitive healing journey many years ago before I had children.
I love gardening, cooking, herbs, nature, the ocean, meditating, yoga and breathwork. I love assisting others to come back to their senses and to become the best versions of themselves possible.
I have assisted many and varied clients for over 10 years as a shiatsu practitioner. I graduated from the Australian Shiatsu College and my style integrates a mixture of meridian and healing shiatsu. My post graduate trainings have been in breath work, distance healing and visualisation. Recently I finished course work studies with Nature Care College in Sydney in PNI and completed some trauma work with Alex Howard online.
In addition to gaining my Diploma in Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies, I have certificates of training in Reiki, tarot, Jungian dream analysis, chakra healing and massage. I also hold a Diploma of Astrology/Counselling, a Bach of Science (Chemistry) and a Grad Dip in Business Marketing. I am currently on the National Council of the Shiatsu Therapy Association of Australia.
At Essential Wellness Healing, I offer 1 and 1.5 hour Shiatsu treatments and 1 and 1.5 hour Astrology consultations every Thursday. I also offer distance healing at a time that mutually works. You can book these online or directly with the front desk on 0426 267 622.
I look forward to assisting you on your healing journey.
A bit of Shiatsu History:
Massage, acupuncture and herbalism were introduced to Japan by a Buddhist monk in the 6 th century. The Japanese developed and refined these treatments and shiatsu meaning “finger pressure” was officially recognized as a therapy by the Japanese Government in 1964, distinguishing it from anma and Western massage.
Types of Shiatsu:
Shiatsu practitioners in Australia tend to specialise in a style of shiatsu, depending on their undergraduate and post graduate trainings. Some of these styles of shiatsu include Zen Shiatsu, Namikoshi Shiatsu, Shizuto Masunaga Shiatsu, Ohashi Shiatsu, Five Element Shiatsu, Meridian Shiatsu, Movement Shiatsu, Shintai Shiatsu, Barefoot Shiatsu and Healing Shiatsu.
What to expect from a Shiatsu at Essential:
Ann works with one of the oldest forms of medicine – healing through touch. The styles of shiatsu she practices could best be described as Healing and Meridian shiatsu. Shiatsu is non-invasive and you will remain fully clothed throughout your treatment. Please wear loose fitting (preferably natural fibre) clothing. Socks are optional. Like many practitioners, Ann works on a massage table, as not all bodies have the ability to get on and off the floor for treatments.
Shiatsu is a unique body therapy where:
1. The client remains fully clothed
2. The focus is to active the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and digest system)
3. Seeks to assist balance and flow in the body’s energy systems. A shiatsu treatment will stimulate the body’s vital energy, known as Ki or Qi. A treatment is calm and relaxing in nature, yet dynamic in effect. During a treatment the body begins to readjust itself and healing takes place. The receiver is supported to become more aware of their body/mind as an integrated whole, on either a conscious or unconscious level. They become aware of areas of tensions or weakness on either a physical or emotional level and through the process healing occurs.
4. Shiatsu can assist with any physical, emotional or energetic imbalance to aid the body’s natural flow. It is a wonderful complementary therapy for the EE systems and PEMF mat offerings at Essential Healing Centre.
Packages and Offers
Shiatsu Package - 6 for 5
Pay for 5 one hour shiatsu sessions with Ann and GET ONE FREE!
Body and Talk Therapy
Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive program spanning over 8 weeks, consisting of 4 one-hour sessions. You'll experience the expertise of both Ann Hocking and Sue Williams, with 2 sessions each, tailored to harmonize your mind and body, empowering you every step of the way. Invest in your well-being for just $480.00.
Shiatsu and PEMF
Indulge in a rejuvenating 45-minute Shiatsu tune-up session followed by a revitalizing 30-minute regeneration PEMF mat session. Experience the combined benefits of traditional Japanese bodywork and cutting-edge PEMF technology, promoting relaxation, vitality, and overall well-being. Treat yourself to this ultimate holistic wellness experience today for just $140.00
Conscious Conversations