When I’m working with clients who have symptoms of anxiety/depression/ ADHD etc.., our first session is to look at their past/their story


  • Start with childhood experiences. Family, events, big and little traumas

  • Looking back at their story, as it explains what has shaped them today.

  • Once I get the background information, I explain how the trauma is not the event, it’s the imprints/wound stored within the body/our nervous system that remains unprocessed.

  • These wounds are what forms our limiting beliefs of not being good enough, feeling shame and guilt, fear of failure, fear of abandonment etc…

  • It’s these limiting beliefs that lead to negative thoughts/feelings and behaviour patterns that don’t serve us long term.

  • When we don’t feel safe to meet certain emotions, these emotions are supressed/stored in the body. For most of us over many years.

  • This then Leads to Increased anxiety levels, depression or other symptoms that sometimes are diagnosed as ADHD but in fact can be linked to childhood experiences/trauma.


The work I do is Root-Cause Therapy and Embodied Processing. It is working with the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind. Our mind is 5% (the conscious part) and our body is 95% (subconscious/unconscious). The unconscious part is going back and discovering the root-cause of these limiting beliefs. The healing journey is to bring the mind and body together.


  • The energy in our body are our emotions. In my sessions we ask the body for answers because our body does all the talking.

  • Create safety in the body by anchoring a resource/memory in the body that makes them feel safe.

  • With muscle testing, I energetically guide my clients to clear trapped emotions stored in the body. Unpacking the emotional imprints.

  • Then work on healing/clearing limiting beliefs. Guiding my clients to unravel, meet all emotions, learn, and understand why they think and feel the way they do with understanding and compassion.

  • Bringing integration within the nervous system. Being able to meet the feelings of anxiety, depression etc in a more grounded regulated state of calmness.


Offering sessions that are more than just talk therapy. I am guiding my clients through their own healing journey of self-discovery. Healing underlying patterns and emotional wounds that are driving the current thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

Jo Guccione

Holistic Counsellor, Trauma informed therapist certified in Root- Cause Therapy and Somatic Therapy

My passion is working with parents/caregivers and our youth. Bringing harmony and deeper connections with themselves and each other.

A healing journey is to bring the mind and body together. I want to bring awareness and understanding around someone’s story. Look at the underlying patterns and emotional wounds that are driving current thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

By feeling safe to meet and release emotional blocks stored in the body brings learnings, improves physical and emotional wellbeing, promotes personal growth and enhances relationships.

After going on my own healing journey, I knew I had to bring my lived experience, knowledge, and skills to parents, young people, and families as a whole. By guiding and supporting our caregivers and children, cultivates a deeper connection with each other and creates healthier, happier relationships.

The journey of re-connection starts with the individual. By healing and reconnecting with yourself, it paves the way for stronger, more authentic connections with your children.